MEETING POINT: De Gasperi Street
DURATION: 6 hours, full day
TRANSPORT: walking route bus or car for long travelling
ACCESSIBILITY: some sites aren’t accessible for the presence of architectural barriers
Extra costs could be expected to enter into some sites
NOTES: The route could be changed according yours demands
The route starts in Malatesta Fortress and in the Museum of the Early Middle Ages with the “treasure of the Langoards“, precious funeral endowments discovered in the Langobard tombs in the Necropolis of Castel Trosino, one of the most important in Italy, not far from Ascoli Piceno. The museum is located on the last floor of the Church of S. Mary of the Lake, a Renaissance church built in the fortress. Pope Paul III Farnese ordered to erect the Malatesta Fortress: it was designed by the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger.
In Arringo Square you can visit the beautiful Baptistery dedicated to S. Johannes where a Langobard stone tablet in travertine is conserved: today it is used as the seatback of the Bishop’s chair..
In the medieval historical centre of the town you can admire the Langobard Palace: it is linked to a curious story..
From Ascoli Piceno we are going to Castel Trosino; Castel Trosino is a medieval village, Langobard settlement, located on a travertine rock…still today you can admire medieval resideces in travertine stone conserved this village you can find a medieval residence linked to a curious legend: this residence is called “Queen’s House” or “Manfrì House”..behind the Church of S. Lorenzo you can enjoy a beautiful view; here we can see the “salmacina spring”, a curative water.
We are visiting the Necropolis of Castel Trosino, not far from there; in a suggestive way through the woods, we are seeing the Necropolis of S. Stefano where you can recreate the story of the cemetery and the archeological excavations by educational panels. Here the Langoard treasure was discovered during the XIX century: today it is conserved in the Malatesta Fortress.